She may be the reason why I stay in Orlando longer! I can't imagine someone else touching my hair!
Anywhooevers....LaTonya told me EVERYTHING she was doing as she did it. She told me about the products that she used, the technique and even treated my scalp to a nice massage prior to the loc installation. She let me look at pictures of her other clients; which eased my nerves.
I was there for a little less than 2 hours with 40 minutes being spent under the dryer. The result?
Yep, my locs will be relatively small; definitely my preference. I can't remember the exact product that LaTonya used on the locs. It was a mango butter all-natural mixture. It smelled divine and didn't leave my hair crunchy or flaky. My hair seemed to coil easily and I don't think I will have any issues with them unraveling. *crosses fingers* My back coils may be a bit of a challenge since the hair back there is shorter. The locs have already gone horizontal but pinning them down at night will get them growing the right way.
I have to remember to not only wear a shower cap but to remove it immediately after the shower so that humidity doesn't build.
I also purchased some hair oil from her that smells absolutely wonderful.
The ingredients rundown:
-Herb infused jojoba oil
-Virgin olive oil
-Essentials of Tangerine, Grapefruit and Magnolia and Rosemary
-Vitamin E
I am lovin' this mix! When I run out, I will definitely have Mommy the Herbalist mix this up for me. LaTonya told me to put half of the oil blend with the Silk 'N Shine Finishing gloss.
This gloss combined with the hair oil is wonderful!! Not too greasy and the gloss gives my hair that that extra shine without the build-up. So far, that is...
Reason #208 why my loctician is the I left she gave me a little print-out of stages that my locs will go through.
I will re-type them all in the coming posts. Can't post all of the good stuff now. :)
Overall: I am in LOVE with my baby locs. Wait---they technically aren't locs. They are "comb coils". I am excited to be on this journey and even though my next appointment isn't for another 4 weeks, I know I will be poppin' my head in to consult with LaTonya and just be around her wonderful loc'd vibe.
they look great!!
i am so happy for you!!
that hair oil looks delicious: all natural with nourishing ingredients.
Will you be using it for your scalp or just for your hair?
when is your next appointment?
Your new do looks FAB-U-LOUS!
cries.. I LOVE it..
awww soo beautiful!!
They turned out nice! Here's to getting to 27"!
Love it. and I must say, your eyebrows are looking fierce!!!!
after reading the details you added, i can't wait to hear more :)
Amina--> Thank you, mama! Only you would call the hair oil delicious. LMAO! I love you for that. It goes on scalp and hair and the appointment is in 4 weeks. I wish it was week. :)
Sylv--> Thanks beauty!
KD--> Thaaaaanks!!
Funky Black Chik--> The famous Black chick has stopped by the blog ladies and gentleman. Yess! LOL! Thank you, sis.
Smell Goods Lady--> Thanks! Ohmigooooodness, I love your hair.
Witty--> Thank you so much, mama!
Amina--> I'll be updating pretty frequently, so stay tuned!
YAY!!! Your locks look amazing!!!
I will make sure to take down your consultant's information, just in case someone asks where one is in Orlando. Her location is less than 5 miles from where I reside.
Congratulations!!! I look forward to reading your updates!
Very pretty!!! I can't wait to see your progress:)
Yay!! B, I'm glad you like LaTonya. Your locs are just beautiful. I'm looking forward of following your journey. Be patient with your babies now because they will act up. Its only the process that they will go through.
omg they look AMAZING! i'm excited to see updates :)
Looking good hubbycakes has had his locs for almost 6 years now.....loves them
Meik--> Hey mama! Thank youuuu. I'm tryna look like you, chile! You and I need to do lunch one day. We are just too close. I've probably passed you on the streets or somethin'. LOL!
Shawnta--> Aww, another hairspiration sends her blessings. Loves it!
rmcandlelight--> Yeah, I've heard about the "acting out" stories. LOL, I'm already prepared. :)
Angelina--> Thank you, beautiful!
Nemesis--> Oh wooow! I bet his are beautiful! Men with locs are my favorite. ;)
Awww...our locs are only 2 weeks apart! I got my comb coils on November 30th! Yours have definitely developed beautifully!
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