I can't remember who sent this to me but there's this brotha on YouTube who talks about his locs. He has a number of videos and he talks about styles, maintenance and the political issues surrounding a Black man wearing locs.
And he's only 17. Loves it!
In one video he is answering questions and he goes,
QUESTION: How can I get my hair to be un-frizzy?
His response: "People, it's a natural process. You gotta go through it.
It will be frizzy. Aight?"
His response: "People, it's a natural process. You gotta go through it.
It will be frizzy. Aight?"
LOL....he ain't lyin'!! I wish someone would have kicked it to me that real when I first started loc'ing.
It's a hard knock life being a Black man. But add that to being a Black man who sports locs. It can't be easy because of the judgments people are always making on my men. That MOST Black men are in jail. Or gang bangin'. Or not being supportive husbands and wives. Whatev.
Show the young brotha some love. Rock on, zayloc23!
And before I go....

I loooooove Cousin Jeff. This man is professional, afro-conscious AND sportin' locs? And those
...what do y'all think about Black men with locs and how the world views them?
(image source) (image source)
I am a sucker for men with locs...beautiful locs. I don't know...it makes me oblivious to all other men. I'm a very touchy-feely (I know it's not a word, but whatever) type of person, and I LOVE running my hands through them.
Great post! I definitely support the loc-rocking brothers (and sisters) because it's a matter of personal choice. Oftentimes, our men are viewed as intimidating, and when they sport long hair, it adds to the "what/who is he" factor in a way that probably makes many people uncomfortable. They will have to learn to deal with it! It's that simple.
I love men with locs! Especially the professional men who dare to wear them in corprate America. My son wears locs near his back side. I asked him will he cut his locs off after he graduates college next year. He says, he doubts it!
I love locs on dudes. I think it sucks that folks are forever searching for a reason to pigeonhole people.
I love men with locs; I am actually in love with one!!
Been reading this blog since the beginning. SERIOUS LURKER.
But um... cousin Jeff is SEXY.
that is all.
I really didn't notice brothers with locs until I started growing my own but when I did it was like BOOM! It felt like I had been in the dark and someone turned on a spotlight. I loooove a loced brother especially if they are well maintained and neat.I love the brothers but the ones with locs get extra points in my book : )
I loooooove men with locs! That's one thing I miss about undergrad . . . the constant presence of loc'd men. Yum!
I think the only way to change people's minds when it comes to men w/ locs being "no good" (or any ridiculous stereotype) is to continue to showcase men w/ locs in a positive light (like Jeff).
Ok, let me get back to oggling him . . .
hey! found this blog from clumpsofmascara.
i lmao'd when you said those lips because i was thinking the EXACT same thing. a man with well-cared for locs is a beautiful thing.
i linked one of my best friends to this blog! i think you both have been loc'ing for the same amount of time.
Thanks PB!
I love a black man with locks, who cares what the world feels...lol
Actually, the locs suit him. They are very neat.
Im starting off the loc process here in my freshman year of college, hoping to grow beautiful on the inside as I grow and become a beautiful locked young woman on the outside. And I have to agree, seeing a brotha sporting some neat locs drives me crazy. It shows character and dedication, cause it isn't easy to take care of those wonderful locs. GOD BLESS THEM ALL.
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