I've been wanting them forever. Not all over....just 3-5 locs that pop out. These locs will probably be covered by other locs. I still want to go to work, church and social functions without people going,
"OMG, she's got purple locs!!!!! Does she smoke meth with her rocker boyfriend? Oh wait...is she a lesbian goth? Does she know she can't have a professional job with purple locs? OMG!!!!!"
And I ain't hardly exaggerating. Y'all know people think crazy things about a) people with locs and b) Black people with crazy hair color. Not that I care but I don't want to have to pop off on anyone and end up in jail. HA!!
Anywhoovers....I kinda want to do this after I go to my loctician next week. I just know she'll discourage me from doing it. She'll scare me with horror stories. Wait....how do you even bleach hair? I'm soooo afraid to do that. Never mind that I was using developer like I took a cosmetology class on hair color. Technically, I shouldn't even be afraid.
But still....I don't want to be running on the treadmill one day and one of my locs go sliding. Wouldn't that be hilariously awful? So yeah. I gotta call my professional hair friend and see if this is even possible.
I blame Chescaleigh. I was finally over the hair color obsession and then she had to go and post this.
Granted she posted it several moons ago but still. I blame her for being so fabulous and awesome and making me not feel out of place for wanted purple locs. And did she really have to respond to my tweet with suggestions? I hope I don't find any "How to bleach your locs" tutorials on YouTube. Because if I do....
I don't know', y'all...I'm kinda hoping this idea goes away. Or maybe I should just do one loc. Or the tips of one loc. What's the worst that could happen?
Dun dun duuuuun!!
i say do it! it's going to be on your mind until you do!
do it :)
I love the youtubber personality!!
please dont.. thats ugly...but hey its not me wearing it lmao
Why not just get some purple yarn or thread and wrap it around the locs you want to be purple (almost like genie locs). That way you have your pop of color but no side effects from the chemicals. :)
I am not a fan of permanent coloring for purple locks but like the PP stated you can use thread or buy the temporary spray color in a bottle and spray your locs with the color of choice.
IMO I'm a student @ Paul Mitchell and of course we do a lot of crazy colors and I have dyed locs purple. In order for your purple to pop and show up you would need to pre lighten your hair color to take out the pigment in your hair and then apply the purple on top pravana make a beautiful purple and paul mitchell has a semi permanent hair color in purple its called ink works I would recommend if you are going to lighten ur hair do not use a developer over 30 volume on natural hair and if you already have color in your hair go with a 20 volume. HtH also when applying the lightener you would need to make sure its saturated in the lightener and when it get to the yellow blonde then rinse it out the lighter the blonde the better it shows up the darker the less it shows.The pieces you lighten will soften up a little.
Ok B, I love you and your color obsession, but I think I'm going to hold up my stop sign here. LOL. I think you'd majorly damage the locs if you bleached them light enough for them to really come out lavender. Why not go with what some previous posters said and wrap your chosen locs in lavender embroidery floss or yarn.... I just don't want to see your lavender locs laying on the ground some where.
how did you get them this color ?
she photoshopped it lol
Awww Rukiyah..you're cute. That is soooo photoshopped. Ma'at is right.
Janet, I like that idea. Result photos coming soon!
lmao so you're listening to us eh?
Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. He he heeee!!
Hmmm you think you funny I see. Did you get that Christmas tree gone yet?
Nope! Haven't spent much time at home this weekend. I've decided to just re-pot it and keep it in my living room. HA!
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