Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Professional look at 2 months

Last week I had a ton of dressy events to attend.

This is the story of my life. No matter what I'm doing or where I am, I usually have to "dress up" to go somewhere. If not church, then a gala, out to eat at a classy lounge or what have you. One of the reasons why I opted to get my hair done by a professional is because I always thought that the "manicured" look would better fit my lifestyle and personality. Long gone are the crazy fro days. In my profession I want to look professional. My hair included.

Some would argue that nappy hair isn't even professional to begin with. Those people get middle fingers from me but I digress...

LOL...I thought long and hard how I would do my hair for the series of these events. I didn't want to retwist simply because I don't want to get in the habit of retwisting my hair every 2 weeks. It is very tempting though.

So I ended up cutting up some scarf and created a little headband. I slicked my hair back with my water/olive oil mixture. I made sure not to pull my hair back too far. I didn't want to disturb the locs in the front. Those babies are already traumatized from being soaked every morning when I work out and sweat like a beast. Despite that...they are still locin' up beautifully.

My hair is warrior-like, yall!

Here's how I looked...

I even put on foundation. Something I NEVER do. I got so many compliments on the hair. Most people didn't even know I had locs. I think people are so used to associating locs with a hot fuzzy mess. And sometimes my locs can be that. Well, I wouldn't call it a "mess" but they can look a little loco. And while I don't mind that look from time to time, it is important that I can also easily transition to a professional look.

But you best believe after the weekend, I did NOTHING to my hair. I straight free-formed it. I like being able to look "manicured" one day and FREE the next.

My locs, like me, can adapt in any setting and I love that!

Peace and loc've


Luvvie said...

The locs r sooooo puurrrrtttyyy!!! Makes me go hmmm...

Laquita said...

I agree with Luvvie your locs are beautiful :o)

Wes said...

...Still can't believe how fast your hair is growing- MY MY MY!!

Amina said...

very pretty!! your hair has grown sooo much!!!
They're also forming well..as they evolve, they'll look like sls

Anonymous said...

You look absolutely beautiful and professional! Love it! Your makeup is flawless!

Anonymous said...

Amen Sistah!!! Show them that locs can be professional!!! You look good!!