And you haven't seen her in months.
And you have outlandish requests.
I called my loctician today. One of my birthday presents from the BF is some hair pampering. So I called my loctician and immediately started apologizing for why I hadn't been coming in. She didn't even care. She just wanted to know how I was doing and how my locs were.
I told her that I wanted hair color. And knowing about my addiction to hair color, the GOOD loctician that is she, asked me to come in.
And so in I went. After chatting it up with other loc'd ladies (who I should have snapped pictures of, womp), my loctician says that my locs looked beautiful. Just a little dull. I can co-sign on that. I went swimming this weekend and that chlorine did a number on my hair. She said that I needed a hair detox. And that tomorrow she would give me one. And then if I wanted color later, she would do that.
In the meantime, I'll be rockin' this...
Yeah. Don't judge a sista. If you have an amazing loctician that asks questions and cares more about your hair's health than you do, hug him or her the next time you see 'em. Tightly.
I shall return with updates!

Beautiful Head Scarf/Wrap! *side-note* when did we get a man?
umm I thought BF was best friend... B speak up lol.. I feel you on the loctician love though. I LOVE my loctician. She's supa awesome
T---> I kid you NOT, I thought about you today. And if my phone wasn't dead, I would have texted you. P.S. You don't read my private blog? You know I be keepin' stuff on the low low. LOL! I'll text you the URL.
YBW---> Same goes for you, woman.
LOL, ever since my personal recession hit, I've been grooming my own locs :( time for a visit to a loctician!
I still want a loctician... i dnt knw the heck im doing im about 2 weeks in... my mama help me put in braided roots twists n umm.. im wonderingif my ha ir suppose to look thin then it look day one...
off, to research more ways to wear headwraps
What is the world coming to??? everybody got the goo goo eyes thing going on i'm about to be stuck with 101 cats in an old house... smh.. glad for u :)
Abs---> Yeah, I haven't been to my loctician in a year. I wish I could afford to go more often. Man.
Trecia---> Shoot me an email. I can find you a loctician in Canada. And stop it, will not be stuck with 101 cats. Unless you and your husband love cats that much. :)
@B I will be waiting! I thought that site was shut down. I'm so out of the loop!
@YBW I'm teasing. I always thought BF meant BoyFriend and BFF was Best Friend Forever. Well at least in my day. I may be old now.
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