Kim Coles cracks me up so much. I love her. Where are my product junkies at?
Time to check in!!
Oh...and if you know me well enough, you know that I am far too cheap to be a product junkie. Unless it is given to me, I'm not buying a new product until I hit bottom, yo.
Raise your hand if you have WAY too many products.
Loves Ya,

Not yet but diligently working on it :)
- kareen
I went from Jamican Mango & Lime to Jane Carter to Fantasia gels to concocting my own.
I spend way too much cash trying to find what really works for these year old locs.
My name is shantana(y) and im a product junkie...ive think i found my shampoo finally, looking for a good natural locking gel...may start concocting my own...even lotions, face soaps. i had so many i gave some away...well the ones i didn't like..but once i find a product i like i stick to it!
hahaha cracks me up! I thought making my own products would make me less of a product junkie, now I'm a junkie of different ingredients to mix and match lol!
I have to admit I used to be a product junkie but now thanks to the internet product reviews I choose my products wisely. If 50 or more says its crap then they're probably right. No need to test it out on myself and be pocket light and disappointed. Even if a product gets bad reviews I sometimes buy it to test myself because maybe its just not working for those other 10 thousand I usually end up disappointed still lol. Love Kim but thats way to much stuff she should think about donating to sisters who need a little help in the hair department or reselling it on Kijiji (pick something). Anyway not hating I love products too but thats bit much. I do admit though that I have a lip gloss problem ~sniff
I was gonna do a post about this...I don't consider myself a junkie at the moment but can easily step back on that path..hehe!
When i was natural and unloc'd I was a product junkie. Now, I make my own spray moisturizer and dabble with Infusium leave in conditioner and thats it. I use a regular drugstore shampoo and try not to splurge on anything else. My lack of products could be due to my consistency in my loctician's chair though. I'd rather pay him them do my hair myself lol
I too am a product junkie... I love to try new things and I love buying new product to see what works for my natural hair. Favorite products included: Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter and Shea Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner (which you can find at Target).
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